Thursday, November 29, 2007



Friday, November 16, 2007

男女交際歴 My Dating Experiences



結 婚の時に僕は妻とともに毎週金曜日の夜にデートすることを決めました。注意深くないと、結婚の生活はつまらなく味もそっけなくなります。その結果、アメリ カでは離婚が大問題です。私達はこの毎週のデートがとても重要だと思っていて、これらによって、関係を強め、夫婦の絆を深めたいです。私達が(いそが)しくても、毎週デートします。私達のデートは簡単な時もあれば、手の込んでいる時もあります、でもいつも私達二人の時間です。

My Dating Experiences

I have been married now for two years. I think that dating after marriage is a lot more fun than dating before marriage. Before marriage, I was always felt so awkward while on dates. I hated it. However, when I’m on dates after being married, it’s very comfortable.

When we got married, my wife and I decided to go on a date every Friday night. If you’re not careful, married life can very easily become stale. For this reason, divorce is a big problem in America. These weekly dates are very important to us. We want to strengthen our relationship and deepen our marriage through these dates. Even if we are busy, we go out every week. Sometimes our dates are very simple and sometimes they are quite elaborate, but they are always our time to be together.